
cuclife.com - 05-02

  T testosterone 睾酮
T voiding time 排尿时间
TA triamterene 氨苯喋啶
TA transfer agent 转移因子
TA thermal analysis 热分析
TAA tumor associated antigen 肿瘤相关抗原
TAE transcatheter arterial embolization 经导管动脉栓塞术
TAF tumor angiogenesis factor 肿瘤血管生成因子
TA-OH parahydroxytriamterene 对羟氨苯喋啶 TA-O-SO4 parahydroxy triamterene sulfate (ester) 对羟氨苯喋啶硫酸酯
TAS thermal analysis system 热分析系统,热分析法
TASA tumor associated specific antigen 肿瘤相关特异性抗原
TB tuberculin 结核菌素
TB1 thiacetazone 氨硫脲,结核安
TBA testosterone-binding affinity 睾酮结合亲和力
TBG testosterone-binding globulin 睾酮结合球蛋白
TBM tubular basement membrane 肾小管基底膜
TC taurocholate 牛磺胆酸盐
TCa terminal cancer 终末期癌
TCA thyrocalcitonin 甲状腺降钙素
T-cell thymus-derived cell 胸腺衍化细胞
TEA triethanolamine 三乙醇胺
TEBG testosterone estradiol binding globulin 睾酮-雌二醇结合球蛋
TEM transmission electron microscope 透射电子显微镜
TESPA thiotepa 噻替哌
TFR total fertility rate 总生育率
TFS testicular feminization syndrome 睾丸女性化综合征
TGA thermogravimetric analysis 热重分析,热比重测定分析
TGF transforming growth factor
Th T helper cell T辅助细胞
THAM trihydroxymethylaminomethane 三羟甲基氨基甲烷
thio-TEPA triethylene-thiophosphoramide 噻替哌
THP Tamm-Horsfall protein Tamm-Horsfall 蛋白
tid ter in die 每日三次
TIL tumor infiltrated lymphocytes 浸润于肿瘤的淋巴细胞
Tis tumor in situ 原位肿瘤
TM tubular excretory capacity maximum 肾小管最大排泄能力
TM tubular mass 肾小管团
TMG tubular maximal glucose resorptive capacity 肾小管葡萄糖最大重吸收量
TMP trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶
TMP tubular maximum excretory capacity for pulmonary artery hypertension
TMPAH tubular maximal excretory capacity (of kidney) for PAH 肾小管对氨马尿酸最大排泄率
TNA total nutrient admixture 全营养混合液
TNF tumor necrosis factor 肿瘤坏死因子
TNM international classification of cancer based on T tumor),N (nodes) and M (metastasis) TNM国际癌症分类法,根据T(肿瘤)N(淋巴结)及M(转移情况)进行分类的国际癌症分类法
TOK tuberculosis of kidney 肾结核
TP testosterone propionate 丙酸睾酮
TPA Treponema pallidum agglutination 梅毒螺旋体凝集反应
TPC Treponema pallidum complement fixation test 梅毒螺旋体补体结合试
TPCF Treponema pallidum complement fixation test 梅毒螺旋体补体结合试
TPC test Treponema pallidum complement fixation test 梅毒螺旋体补体结合试
TPHA Treponema pallidum hemagglutination 梅毒螺旋体血细胞凝集反应
TPI Treponema pallidum immobilization test 梅毒螺旋体制动反应
TPIA Treponema pallidum immune adherence test 梅毒螺旋体免疫粘连试
TPN total parenteral nutrition 胃肠外营养总量
TPR testosterone production rate 睾酮产生率
TPS tumor polysaccharide substance 肿瘤多糖类物质
TPTX thyroparathyroidectomy 甲状腺甲状旁腺切除
TRA tumor rejection antigen 肿瘤排斥抗原
Tris tris-hydroxy-methyl-aminomethane 三羟甲基氨基甲烷
tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid 转移核糖核酸
TRP tubular reabsorption of phosphate 肾小管磷酸盐重吸收
TRPT theoretical renal phosphate threshold 理论性肾磷酸盐阈
TS (telesurgery) 远距外科
TSPAP total serum prostatic acid phosphatase 总血清前列腺酸性磷酸
TSTA tumor specific transplantation antigen 肿瘤特异性移植抗原
TTPA triehtylene thio-phosphoramide 噻替哌,三乙撑;硫代磷酰胺 TUG toral urinary gonadotropin 尿中促性腺激素总量
TUIP transurethral incision of the prostate 经尿道前列腺切开
TUR transurethral resection 经尿道切除
turb turbidity 浊度
TURBT transurethral resection of the bladder tumor 经尿道膀胱切除
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate; transurethral prostatectomy 经尿道前列腺切除
TVU total volume of urine 总尿量(24小时)
TW tap water 自来水