泌尿外科常用英文单词及词组(R S)
R right 右的,右侧的
RA renal artery 肾动脉
RAAS renin-angi
RAS renal artery stenosis 肾动脉狭窄
RAS renin-angi
RBC red blood cell 红徃胞
RBP renin-bind
RCC renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌
RCF relative centrifuge
RCT radionucli
RCU utilizatio
RDC research diagnostic
Re-A-A renin-angi
REC reticuloen
Ren Tran renal transplant
RF radiofrequ
RF rheumatoid
REI renal failure index 肾功能衰竭指数
RFP rifampin 利福平
RFS renal function study 肾功能试验(研究)
RH releasing hormone 释放激素
RH renal hypertensi
RIA radioimmun
RIEP rocket immuno-ele
RK right kidney 右肾
RMC referring medical center 医学咨询中心
RNA ribonuclei
RnECT radionucli
ROD renal osteodystr
RP retrograde
RPF renal plasma flow 肾血浆流量
RPG retrograde
RPLND retroperit
rpm revolution
RPN renal papillary necrosis 肾乳头坏死
RPS renal pressor substance 肾脏加压物质
RR renin release 肾素释放
RR repetition
RRR renin release rate 肾素释放速率
RSIVP rapid sequence intravenou
RTA renal tubular acidosis 肾小管酸中毒
RTD renal tubular dystrophy 肾小管营养不良
RTF rete testis fluid 睾丸网液
RU right ureter 右输尿管
RVH renal vascular hypertensi
RVP renal venous pressure 肾静脉压 奟VR relative voiding resistance
RVR renal vascular resistance
RVR resistance
RVRA renal vein renin activity 肾静脉肾素活性
RVRA renal venous renin assay 肾静脉肾素分析
RVRC renal venous renin concentrat
RVT renal vein thrombosis
SA sex appeal 性感
SAA surface active agent 表面活性剂
SACE serum angiotensi
SACEA serum angiotensi
SAG selective angiograph
SAP serum acid phosphatas
SAP serum alkaline phosphatas
SAS sympatheti
SCC serous cystic carcinoma 浆细胞性囊性癌
SCC squamous cell carcinoma 鳞状细胞癌
SCEA serum carcinoemb
SCJ squamocolu
SCMC sodium carboxymet
SCMC sperm cervical mucus contact 精子宫颈黏液接触
SCr serum creatinine
SCT sex chromatin test 性染色质试验
SCT sperm cell toxin 精子细胞毒
SCU special care unit 特别监护病房
SCUF slow continuous
SD single dose 单次剂量
SD standard deviation 标准差
SD spectral distributi
SD sulfadiazi
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate 十二烷基硫酸钠
SDS (renal) standard deviation score (肾脏)标准差比值
SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-po
SE standard error 标准误
SEF sodium excreting factor 钠排泄因子
SEM scanning electron microscope
SEM sweep electron microscope
sem ves seminal vesicle 精囊
Ser serine 丝氨酸
SeXO serum xanthine oxidase 血清黄嘌呤氧化酶
SHBG sex hormone binding globulin 性激素结合球蛋白
SHH syndrome of hyporenine
SIADH syndrome of inappropri
SICU surgical intensive care unit 外科重症监护病房,外
SID secondary immunodefi
SIF serum inhibitory
SIT sperm immobiliza
SL sodium lactate 乳酸钠
SLAP serum leucine aminopepti
S-MAO serum-mono
SMMC spontaneou
SMP sulfametho
SMPZ sulfametho
SMZ sulfamethi
SNGFR single nephron glomerular
SNP sodium nitropruss
SODs serum superoxide
SOL space occupying lesion 占位性病变
SOM scanning optical microscope
Sosm serum osmolality
SP sulfapyrid
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography
SPI selective proteinuri
SPM spermine 精胺
SPM spiramycin
SPP suprapubic
SPP sodium polypentos
SPZ sulphinpyr
SR sex ratio 性别比率
SR sexual response 性反应
SR sexually revised 性改变
SR Sigma reaction 西格马反应(梅毒的一
SPF split renal function 分侧肾功能
SRFS split renal function study 分侧肾功能检查
SRS sex reassignme
SRS slow reacting substance 慢发应物质,迟缓发应
SS somatostat
SSA serum sialic acid 血清唾液酸
SSBG sex steroid-bi
ssDNA single strained DNA 单链脱氧核糖核酸
STD sexually transmitte
STEM scanning transmissi
STS serologica
STS standard test for syphilis 标准梅毒试验
SUI stress urinary incontinen
SUN serum urea nitrogen 血清尿素氮
SUS stained urinary sediment 染色尿沉淀
SWP serum Wassermann
SXO serum xanthine oxydase 血清黄嘌呤氧化酶
Sxr sex-revers