
Kongs Cantonese Buffet

They offer an 'all you can eat' menu for 8.50 at night and about 5 during the day - this is moresome as you can choose from loads and loads of dishes in the buffet and keep going back for more. Price range £5-10

类别:中式餐厅 ☆☆☆☆*

Buffet@Bradford Fusion Restaurant

非常棒的一家中餐馆,室内干净整洁,服务态度好,菜品极佳。这里是自助餐,可选择的食物范围很大。Price range £11-25

类别:中式餐厅 ☆☆☆☆*

Imperial Chinese Restaurant

布拉德福德(Bradford)当地非常有名的一家中餐馆,高端大气,服务好,食品的味道很棒的。Price range £11-25

类别:中式餐厅 ☆☆☆☆*