[视频] Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) 麻省理工学院
☆☆☆☆☆【详情介绍】[视频] Harvard University 哈佛大学
[视频] Boston Museum of Fine Arts 波士顿美术馆
☆☆☆☆*【详情介绍】[视频] New England Aquarium 波士顿水族馆
The New England Aquarium, which opened in 1969, is a global leader in ocean exploration and marine co
☆☆☆☆*【详情介绍】[视频] Boston Children‘s Museum 波士顿儿童博物馆
☆☆☆☆*【详情介绍】[视频] Museum of Science 波士顿科学博物馆
For over 180 years, the Museum of Science has evolved to meet the needs of society and has become one of Boston's leading cultural institutions in the process.
☆☆☆☆*【详情介绍】[视频] Franklin Park Zoo 富兰克林公园动物园
Franklin Park Zoo is a 72-acre site nestled in Boston’s historic Franklin Park, long considered the
☆☆☆☆*【详情介绍】[视频] Harvard Museum of Natural History 哈佛自然历史博物馆
The Harvard Museum of Natural History (HMNH) was established in 1998 as the public face of three rese