cuclife.cn - 06-17
Anchorage/Mat-Su Economic Region 398,283
Anchorage, Municipality of 291,845
Matanuska-Susitna Borough 106,438
Gulf Coast Economic Region 80,866
Kenai Peninsula Borough 58,367
Kodiak Island Borough 13,001
Valdez-Cordova Census Area 9,498
Interior Economic Region 109,847
Denali Borough 1,860
Fairbanks North Star Borough 95,898
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 6,891
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 5,198
Northern Economic Region 27,432
Nome Census Area 9,831
North Slope Borough 9,886
Northwest Arctic Borough 7,715
Southeast Economic Region 72,373
Haines Borough 2,516
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 2,145
Juneau, City and Borough of 31,986
Ketchikan Gateway Borough 13,739
Petersburg Borough 3,226
Prince of Wales - Hyder Census Area 6,194
Sitka, City and Borough of 8,532
Skagway, Municipality of 1,095
Wrangell, City and Borough of 2,400
Yakutat, City and Borough of 540
Southwest Economic Region 42,206
Aleutians East Borough 2,938
Aleutians West Census Area 5,579
Bethel Census Area 18,131
Bristol Bay Borough 869
Dillingham Census Area 4,887
Kusilvak Census Area 8,180
Lake and Peninsula Borough