
cuclife.com - 02-23

 新西兰的主要的商业模式分为三种:个体经营(sole trader), 合伙经营 (partnership),公司经营(company). 其中用公司的模式来经营生意是必须要经过注册才可以运行。选择公司经营的优势就是公司是负有有限的责任,有限公司是一个独立的法律实体,公司拥有的财产与股东的财产是分开的, 股东对公司的责任是有限的。比如说, 当公司破产时,股东不对公司债务负责。



1、注冊一个分部:Subsidiary (New Zealand company on the New Zealand register):

A subsidiary company is like a 'child' that is a wholly owned subsidiary of a 'parent' (overseas company).  You can establish a wholly owned New Zealand subsidiary by registering a New Zealand company with 100% shareholding held by the overseas company.

2、注冊成立一间附属公司:Branch (the New Zealand operations of an overseas company on the New Zealand overseas register) A branch means the New Zealand operations of an Overseas Company. It is not a separate legal entity. The company incorporation is still held under another country's jurisdiction, but the New Zealand operations are governed by New Zealand law. 

3、合并或接管新西兰的公司:Become a New Zealand company (transferring incorporation from another country to the New Zealand register). This option allows an overseas company to abandon its country of incorporation and transfer its incorporation to the New Zealand Companies Office Register.