1)讨厌酒吧吵得慌(Hating noisy pubs)
2)不明白“年轻人”的谈话(Finding you have no idea what 'young people' are talking about)
3)抱怨周身酸痛,弯腰会呻吟(Groaning when you bend down)
4)需要午睡(Needing an afternoon nap)
5)完全说不出流行乐队或流行榜上歌曲名字(Not remembering the name of any modern bands;You don't know any songs in the top 10)
6)搞不懂怎操作平板电脑和网络电视(Losing touch with everyday technology such as tablets and TVs)
7)觉得警察/医生/教师看来特么年轻(Thinking policemen/teachers/doctors look really young)
8)被时下MV风格惊呆(You get shocked by how racy music videos are)
9)买衣履注重舒适多于款式(Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style)
10)外出会想着带装茶的保温瓶(Taking a flask of tea on a day out)
11)忘记人名,忘记眼镜/车匙放哪里(Forgetting people's names,Misplacing your glasses/bag/car keys etc.)
12)爱上邮轮假期(Booking on to a cruise)
13)对园艺产生浓厚兴趣(Taking a keen interest in the garden)
14)抱怨现在的电视节目是垃圾,不如以前(Complaining about the rubbish on television these days)
15)改听父辈爱听的电台和节目(Listening to the Archers,You move from Radio 1 to Radio 2)
16)卖掉家庭车,改买跑车(Flogging the family car for something sportier)
17)头发渐稀薄,眉毛、鼻毛和耳毛却变浓(Getting more hairy - ears, eyebrows, nose and face)
18)固执地执行垃圾回收(Obsessively recycling/knowing the collection dates)
19)小酌一杯就你能入睡(Falling asleep after one glass of wine)
20)周日不赖床,宁愿去散步 (Preferring a Sunday walk to a lie in)