
 巴塞罗那(Barcelona)是西班牙的第二大城市,是足球强队巴塞罗那队的所在地。 下面兰特带您了解一下西班牙Barcelona的出租车资费信息:

这里的出租车如同中国是以车来计算的,普通出租车只能最多拉4个人, Van taxi 可以拉6个人。


The approximate rate for Barcelona taxis is  €1.18 / km (from 08:00 - 20:00) and €0.93 / km (from 20:00 - 08:00). / Km. There is a minimum fee of €2.05 when you get in the cab.

大概是€1.18 / 公里 ( 08:00 - 20:00) ; €0.93 /公里  20:00 - 08:00).;  坐车最低收费€2.05。

Supplements to the final meter price are added due to the following factors.
1. A supplement for each bag or suitcase carried in the boot of the taxi (€1.00).  每个大箱包加收€1.00)
2. Supplement for Barcelona airport pick up or drop off (€3.10).  机场接送加收 €3.10
3. Supplement for picking up or dropping off at the Barcelona Cruise terminal (€2.10).  邮轮接送加收€2.10
4. Supplement for pickup or drop off at the Fira exhibition centre (€2.10). Fira展览中心接送加收€2.10

All supplement prices will be displayed at the passenger window of the taxi at the back of the cab. When the taxi stops you will see the meter price and then the taxi driver will press a supplements button on the meter to increase the fare to the final price inclusive of the supplements.

所有费用包括 钱表值 + 附加钱值。 车停后,司机通过按增收钱按钮, 将总的钱数显示在钱表上。