如何创建 Atom

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Atom 的作用请自行搜索。


这里我使用 XML::Atom::SimpleFeed 来创建 Atom

XML::Atom::SimpleFeed 有些许瑕疵,如不能设置编码和多了个默认的 xml:lang="en"


删除两处 xml:lang="en"

改 encoding="iso-8859-1" 为 encoding="UTF-8"


如下代码来自我基于 Catalyst 的 Eplanet

use lib "E:/t/Eplanet/hackedlib"; # add the hack file's address use XML::Atom::SimpleFeed; my $Atom_file = $c->config->{build_root} . "/atom.xml"; my $title = 'Fayland\'s'; my $link = 'http://www.fayland.org/'; my $description = 'What Fayland says'; my $atom = XML::Atom::SimpleFeed->new( title => $title, link => $link, tagline => $description, author => { name => 'Fayland Lam' }, ) or die; my @cats = Eplanet::M::CDBI::Cms->retrieve_from_sql(qq{ 1=1 ORDER BY cms_id DESC LIMIT 0, 20 }); foreach my $cat (@cats) { my $_title = $cat->get('cms_title'); my $_link = "$cat->{'cms_file'}.html"; my $_description = $cat->{'cms_describe'}; my $_create_data = $cat->{'cms_cre_data'}; # convert to the standard w3cdtf $_create_data = date2w3cdtf($_create_data); # got the modified data my $_modified_data = $cat->{'cms_mod_data'}; # if not exists, use create data instead if ($_modified_data) { $_modified_data = date2w3cdtf($_modified_data); } else { $_modified_data = $_create_data; } $atom->add_entry( title => $_title, link => $_link, author => { name => "Fayland Lam" }, issued => $_create_data, created => $_create_data, modified => $_modified_data, content => $_description, ) or die; } $atom->save_file($Atom_file); sub date2w3cdtf { my $data = shift; # the original data foramt like 2005-03-29 23:02:14 & it's a localtime # so we convert localtime to $time and got the gmtime my ($year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($data =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/); $mon--; use Time::Local; my $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year); ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime($time); $year += 1900; $mon++; # at last we return the w3c dtf my $timestring = sprintf( "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ); return ($timestring); }

  文章来源:网络整理  本站编辑:兰特