
网络整理 - 08-17


Many times we might need some part of code which will access all sub-folders of the server and also all
files within the sub-folder.
The following line of asp code will map to a specified folder and searches all the sub-folders
(Not recursively, code can be extended to do) and reads all files(basically text files) one by one.

You can specify any folder name, in the remarks given in the code (within " ")

'Create a File system Object
set FileSystem=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

dim dbconn

folderpath=server.MapPath("main Folder path" )
set sfolder=Filesystem.GetFolder(folderpath).SubFolders
for each FolderItem in sfolder
    set Files=FolderItem.Files
    for each FileItem in Files
        fname=server.MapPath( "main folder path" & FolderItem.Name & "\" & FileItem.Name
            set File=FileSystem.OpenTextFile(fname,1,false)
            while File.AtEndofStream <> True


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