01.function text(el){
02. var node = (typeof el == "string")? document.getElementById(el) : el;
03. var i = 0;
04. var repeat = function(){
05. setTimeout(function(){
06. node.innerHTML = "<h1>"+i+"</h1>";
07. i++;
08. if(i <= 100){
09. setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100);
10. }
11. },100)
12. }
13. repeat();
01.function fadeIn(el){
02. var node = (typeof el == "string")? document.getElementById(el) : el;
03. var i = 0;
04. var fade = function(){
05. setTimeout(function(){
06. !+"\v1"? (node.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+i+")"): (node.style.opacity = i / 100);
07. i++;
08. if(i <= 100){
09. setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100);
10. }
11. },100)
12. }
13. fade();
01.function opacity(el){
02. //必选参数
03. var node = (typeof el == "string")? document.getElementById(el) : el,
04. //可选参数
05. options = arguments[1] || {},
06. //变化的持续时间
07. duration = options.duration || 1.0,
08. //开始时透明度
09. from = options.from || 0.0 ,
10. //结束时透明度
11. to = options.to || 0.5,
12. operation = 1,
13. init = 0;
14. if(to - from < 0){
15. operation = -1,
16. init = 1;
17. }
18. //内部参数
19. //setTimeout执行的间隔时间,单位毫秒
20. var frequency = 100,
21. //设算重复调用的次数
22. count = duration * 1000 / frequency,
23. // 设算每次透明度的递增量
24. detal = Math.abs(to - from) /count,
25. // 正在进行的次数
26. i = 0;
27. var main = function(){
28. setTimeout(function(){
29. if(!+"\v1"){
30. if(node.currentStyle.hasLayout) node.style.zoom = 1;//防止滤镜失效
31. node.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+ (init * 100 + operation * detal * i * 100).toFixed(1) +")"
32. }else{
33. node.style.opacity = (init + operation * detal * i).toFixed(3)
34. }
35. node.innerHTML = (init + operation * detal * i).toFixed(3)
36. i++;
37. if(i <= count){
38. setTimeout(arguments.callee, frequency);
39. }
40. },frequency)
41. }
42. main();
1.<div class="text" onclick="opacity(this,{duration:4.0,from:0.0,to:1})"></div>
2.<div class="text" onclick="opacity(this,{duration:4.0,from:1.0,to:0})"></div>
01.function opacity(el){
02. //必选参数
03. var node = (typeof el == "string")? document.getElementById(el) : el,
04. //可选参数
05. options = arguments[1] || {},
06. //变化的持续时间
07. duration = options.duration || 1.0,
08. //开始时透明度
09. from = options.from || 0.0 ,
10. //结束时透明度
11. to = (options.to && options.to + "") || 0.5,
12. operation = -1,
13. init = 1;
14. if(to - from < 0){
15. operation = 1,
16. init = 0;
17. }
18. //内部参数
19. //setTimeout执行的时间,单位
20. var frequency = 100,
21. //设算重复调用的次数
22. count = duration * 1000 / frequency,
23. // 设算每次透明度的递增量
24. detal = operation * Math.abs(to - from) /count;
25. var main = function(){
26. setTimeout(function(){
27. if(!+"\v1"){
28. if(node.currentStyle.hasLayout) node.style.zoom = 1;//防止滤镜失效
29. node.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+ (init * 100 + detal * count * 100).toFixed(1) +")"
30. }else{
31. node.style.opacity = (init + detal * count).toFixed(3)
32. }
33. count--;
34. if(count + 1){
35. setTimeout(arguments.callee, frequency);
36. }
37. },frequency)
38. }
39. main();
01.function Opacity(el){
02. var node = (typeof el == "string")? document.getElementById(el) : el,
03. options = arguments[1] || {},
04. duration = options.duration || 1.0,
05. from = options.from || 0.0 ,
06. to = (options.to && options.to + "") || 0.5,
07. operation = -1,
08. init = 1;
09. if(to - from < 0){
10. operation = 1,
11. init = 0;
12. }
13. var frequency = 100,
14. count = duration * 1000 / frequency,
15. detal = operation * Math.abs(to - from) /count;
16. this.main(node,init,detal,count,frequency);
18.Opacity.prototype = {
19. main : function(node,init,detal,count,frequency){
20. setTimeout(function(){
21. if(!+"\v1"){
22. if(node.currentStyle.hasLayout) node.style.zoom = 1;//防止滤镜失效
23. node.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+ (init * 100 + detal * count * 100).toFixed(1) +")"
24. }else{
25. node.style.opacity = (init + detal * count).toFixed(3)
26. }
27. node.innerHTML = (init + detal * count).toFixed(3)
28. count--;
29. if(count + 1){
30. setTimeout(arguments.callee, frequency);
31. }
32. },frequency)
33. }
1.<div class="text" onclick="new Opacity(this,{duration:4.0,from:0.0,to:1})"></div>
2.<div class="text" onclick="new Opacity(this,{duration:4.0,from:1.0,to:0})"></div>