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  支持XML Web服务的事务利用公共语言运行期中的支持,其是基于Microsoft Transaction Server ( MTS)和COM+ Services中相同的分布式事务模型。该模型基于明确的判断一个对象是否参与一个事务,而不是编写特定的代码用来处理委托和回调一个事务。对于一个使用ASP.NET创建的XML Web服务,你可以通过设置其应用到一个XML Web服务方法上的WebMethod属性的TransactionOption属性来声明一个XML Web服务的事务行为。如果该XML Web服务方法执行的时候抛出一个异常,那么该事务自动地结束;相反,如果没有发生异常,该事务自动委托。

  WebMethod属性的TransactionOption属性规定一个XML Web服务方法如何参与一个事务。虽然这个声明级别表示一个事务逻辑,但是它是消除实际事务的一个步骤。当事物对象访问数据源(如数据库或消息队列)时实际事务产生。关联该对象的事务自动流向适当的资源管理程序。像.NET Framework Data Provider(用于SQL Server或OLE DB)这样的.NET Framework数据提供者在对象的上下文中查找事务并通过Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC,分布式事务协调程序)编目事务。全部的事务自动产生。

  XML Web服务方法只能参与一个作为新事务的根的事务。作为一个新事务的根,所有的与资源管理器(像运行Microsoft SQL Server、Microsoft Message Queuing和Microsoft Host Integration Server的服务器)的相互作用维护需要运行健壮的分布式应用程序的ACID性质。调用其他的XML Web服务方法的XML Web服务方法参与不同的事务,因为事务不流经XML Web服务方法。

  使用来自XML Web服务方法的事务

  声明一个XML Web服务。


  [Visual Basic]




  using System.Web.Services;

  using System.EnterpriseServices;

  [Visual Basic]

  Imports System.Web.Services

  Imports System.EnterpriseServices

  声明一个XML Web服务方法,设置WebMethod属性的TransactionOption属性为TransactionOption.RequiresNew。


  [ WebMethod(TransactionOption=TransactionOption.RequiresNew)]

  public int DeleteAuthor(string lastName)

  [Visual Basic]

  < WebMethod(TransactionOption:=TransactionOption.RequiresNew)> _

  Public Function DeleteAuthor(lastName As String) As Integer

  下面的代码示例显示一个使用单个XML Web服务方法的XML Web服务,调用DeleteDatabase。这个XML Web服务方法执行一个事务范围内的数据库操作。如果该数据库操作抛出一个异常,该事务自动地停止;否则,该事务自动地委托。


  using System;

  using System.Data;

  using System.Data.SqlClient;

  using System.Web.Services;

  using System.EnterpriseServices;

  public class Orders : WebService


  [ WebMethod(TransactionOption=TransactionOption.RequiresNew)]

  public int DeleteAuthor(string lastName)


  String deleteCmd = "DELETE FROM authors WHERE au_lname='" +

  lastName + "'" ;

  String exceptionCausingCmdSQL = "DELETE FROM NonExistingTable WHERE

  au_lname='" + lastName + "'" ;

  SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(

  "Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=pubs;server=myserver");

  SqlCommand deleteCmd = new SqlCommand(deleteCmdSQL,sqlConn);

  SqlCommand exceptionCausingCmd = new


  // This command should execute properly.



  // This command results in an exception, so the first command is

  // automatically rolled back. Since the XML Web service method is

  // participating in a transaction, and an exception occurs, ASP.NET

  // automatically aborts the transaction. The deleteCmd that

  // executed properly is rolled back.

  int cmdResult = exceptionCausingCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();


  return cmdResult;



  [Visual Basic]

  Imports System

  Imports System.Data

  Imports System.Data.SqlClient

  Imports System.Web.Services

  Imports System.Web.Util

  Imports System.EnterpriseServices

  Public Class Orders

  Public Function DeleteAuthor (lastName as String) as Integer

  Dim deleteCmdSQL As String = "DELETE FROM authors WHERE au_lname='" + _

  lastName + "'"

  Dim exceptionCausingCmdSQL As String = "DELETE FROM " + _

  "NonExistingTable WHERE au_lname='" + lastName + "'"

  Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection( _

  "Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=pubs;server=myserver")

  Dim deleteCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(deleteCmdSQL,sqlConn)

  Dim exceptionCausingCmd As SqlCommand = New _


  ' This command should execute properly.



  ' This command results in an exception, so the first command is

  ' automatically rolled back. Since the XML Web service method is

  ' participating in a transaction, and an exception occurs, ASP.NET

  ' automatically aborts the transaction. The deleteCmd that

  ' executed properly is rolled back.

  Dim cmdResult As Integer = exceptionCausingCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()


  Return cmdResult

  End Function

  End Class

文章来源:网络整理  本站编辑:兰特