威奇托的报纸杂志期刊等媒体信息如下,供参考:The Wichita Eagle, which began publication in 1872, is the city's major daily newspaper. With a daily circulation of over 67,000 copies, it has the highest circulation of any newspaper published in Kansas. The Wichita Business Journal is a weekly newspaper that covers local business events and developments. Several other newspapers and magazines, including local lifestyle, neighborhood, and demographically-focused publications are also published in the city.These include, among others: The Community Voice, aimed at the city's African American community;the monthly East Wichita News;F5, a weekly alternative newspaper;the Liberty Press, LGBT news;Splurge!, a local fashion and lifestyle magazine; the Sunflower, the WSU student newspaper. The Wichita media market also includes local newspapers in several surrounding suburban communities.