来到Victoria University of Wellingtonl 留学,一定想知道附近有哪些好吃的中餐馆,可以吃到早茶、川菜、包子饺子等。 在本城市"中式餐厅"栏目下有推荐,请点击此地址链接 (查看)
类别:华人论坛 -- 生活问答惠灵顿国际机场位于新西兰首都惠灵顿城市中心之西南7公里外,占地110公顷。惠灵顿国际机场是新西兰主要的国内线枢纽,并连接澳洲的主要城市。于2005年,此机场服务了旅客460万人次,而现
类别:交通信息The Wellington Chinese Language School (WCLS) was established in 1972 and offers Chinese Mandarin classes for adults and children (aged 5 and above) of all levels of confidence and ability. The school has an annual roll of over 240 students with class
类别:留学教育 -- 中文学校我们和众圣徒一同接受教会历史中的正统信经:使徒信经、尼西亚信经、迦克顿信经、亚他拿修信经。
类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会我们秉持唯独圣经、唯独信心、唯独恩典、唯独基督、唯独荣耀归给神的宗教改革精神。
类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会当地一家高档西餐厅,价格不菲,但是味道极好,服务极佳,环境一流。 这里的牛排、海鲜制作得口感好,很专业。Price range NZ$31-60
类别:西餐精选The Ramen Shop started as a pop up restaurant in 2013. The Idea for the shop mainly came about due to us wanted to eat ramen and there being nowhere that made ramen that didn't come out of a box or packet.Some amazing venues allowed us to takeover thePrice range NZ$16-30
类别:日韩餐厅 -- 日本料理