Grace Hospital was opened in 2007 and is Tauranga's only private specialist surgical hospital. It is owned and managed by Norfolk Southern Cross Ltd, a partnership which combines the benefits of two of the major private hospital companies in New Zeal
类别:工作生活 -- 医疗信息Tauranga Hospital provides health services to the people of the Western Bay of Plenty. A secondary hospital, it provides level 4-5 services including medical, surgical, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology and mental health. The hospital is also a ba
类别:工作生活 -- 医疗信息陶朗加的地区机场,业务繁忙,有良好的乘客设施。每日航班频繁飞往奥克兰、惠灵顿和基督城。机场内设新西兰航空公司贵宾候机室、咖啡馆,覆盖 Wifi 无线网络。从机场可搭乘出租车、穿梭
类别:交通信息 -- 航空机场作为港口城市,陶朗加的交通物流业自然十分发达;另外,陶朗加港不仅仅只有货船的往来,大型的豪华游轮经常会在港口停靠,迎接四方宾客。位于丰盛湾这个风调雨顺地肥物美的地区,陶
类别:基本概况 -- 概况信息陶朗加位于丰盛湾的西延地带,玛塔卡纳岛(Matakana Island)和芒格努伊死火山(Mount Maunganui)保护着这个城市的核心地带免受大型海啸的袭击。但是由于陶朗加位于地质断层之上,经常会有频繁的地
类别:基本概况 -- 概况信息Harris Tate is one of Taurangas most trusted and experienced law firms. You can rely on our friendly team to provide the very best expertise. With a proven track record in securing client goals, we take the time to make sure you understand and receiv
类别:华商列表 -- 华人律师Shelly LJ-hooker房产中介 竭诚为您服务 微信: baixiaojiashelly
类别:华商列表 -- 地产经纪