当地很不错的一家中餐馆,粤菜为主,可以吃到好吃的虾饺,蛋挞,菠萝包、苦瓜肉等等。We are the city's one of the best Chinese restaurants, and with you find the most delicious dishes you can imagine, and you will fPrice range NOK200-399
类别:中式餐厅 -- 粤菜一个不错的早茶餐馆,店铺干净整洁,顾客多。可以吃到蛋挞,虾饺、菠萝包等,想想都觉得好吃。Price range NOK400-699
类别:中式餐厅 -- 粤菜This is a great little shop that stocks a really good range of asian and middle eastern groceries. They also have a wide selection of fresh vegetables at much lower prices than at the supermarket. You can get all sorts of instant noodles, big bags of
类别:杂货超市挪威中国商会(The Norwegian Chinese Chamber of Commerce) 成立于2006年,以应对中国和挪威急速增长的商务贸易往来。
类别:华商列表 -- 商会社团挪威华侨互助协会成立与1986年4月。目的是帮助在这里的华人解决他们在挪威由于语言、文化背景及各种原因所碰到的困难﹐并向他们讲解挪威法律条例﹐生活习惯等﹐让华人在挪威更能了解挪
类别:华商列表 -- 商会社团