Located in the beautiful city of KEY WEST,our restaurant has been dedicated to offering the most memorable dining experience for you. We pick ingredients carefully and use only the freshest and nature ones to prepare every dish, and have been trying Around $10 - $20 per person
类别:中式餐厅美国西礁岛(Key West)地处美国最东南端,有天涯海岛之称,是美国佛罗里达礁岛群(Florida Keys)1700个小岛中的一个。群岛从佛罗里达半岛东南角靠近迈阿密处,一路往南行,渐渐弯曲向西,直到
类别:旅游景点keywest 附近医院 :Fishermens Hospital ,不在keywest,在附近的 Marathon岛上。