大来食品公司 (Evergreen Supply company)提供明炉烧鸭,脆皮金猪,蜜汁叉烧,玫瑰豆油鸡,游水鲫鱼,青班,生猛龙虾,温哥华大蟹,田鸡等等。
类别:杂货超市底特律佳乐超市:Chinese Market is an Asian grocery store that has been serving the community since 2003. We strive to maintain customer satisfaction with high quality products, reasonable prices and a friendly staff who enjoy answering questio
类别:杂货超市底特律华人教会:中华福音教会:中华福音教会教会创立于一九八四年九月十五日,原名”中国基督徒团契” (Chinese Christian Fellowship)。一九九四年六月十五日改名”中华福音教会” (Chine
类别:密西根中文学校协会:CSAMi is a volunteer based educational Non-profit organization registered in the State of Michigan. It is specialized in promoting multi-cultural diversity in the community, particularly in Chinese language and culture. It
类别:留学教育 -- 中文学校Detroit意大利餐馆推荐):Assaggi Bistro,推荐理由:价格小贵,量不大,但是做的特别精致,尤其是扇贝,烤肉值得品尝Price range $31-60
类别:Detroit 意大利餐馆推荐(2/3):Angelina Italian Bis 推荐理由:具有酒吧的气氛,意大利食物做得很好,特别是沙拉。 价格水平:$$ (2/4) 营业时间:Tue-Thu 5 pm - 10 pm; Fri-Sat 4 pm - 11 pm;Sun 4 pm - 8 pm