哥伦布日本超市 Tensuke Market


地址:1167 Old Henderson Rd Columbus, OH 43220 (查看地图)

电话:(614) 451-6002

营业: Monday - Saturday 10:00AM - 8:00PM; Sunday 12:00PM - 8:00PM

网址: 去看看官方网站

哥伦布日本超市:In 1990, a small Japanese grocery store was started in Columbus, Ohio by four people with a big vision. It has now grown to become a well-established business in the community, known for its huge selection of authentic Japanese products. You will find fresh fish, professionally made sushi, our large sake (rice wine) collection, all the most popular Japanese groceries, and much more. Tensuke has a reputation for excellence and is noted for its cleanliness, delicious food, and friendly service.