去巴尔的摩旅游,要找一家当地的华人旅行社,安排好地接工作,去比较有特色的地方游玩。巴尔的摩的华人旅行社在哪里呢? 请当地华人旅行社提供一下信息。在评论区中留言,待核实后,
类别:生活服务The Chinese Language School of Baltimore is open to the public. We currently have more than 40 students enrolled. Our classes are held every Sunday from 2-4 pm
类别:留学教育 -- 中文学校Baltimore Chinese School (BCS) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1998 by a group of scholars and professionals.
类别:留学教育 -- 中文学校Praise the Lord! He has used His Almighty hand to lead the Chinese Christian Church of Baltimore (CCCB) through an extraordinary 25 years. Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude as we look back at the journey we have traveled.
类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会一群来自五湖四海的基督徒,在 神的带领下,看见巴尔的摩有众多华人需要 神的爱,于1980 年成立了 Baltimore Chinese Baptist Mission. 靠着 神所赐的恩典和能力,弟兄姊妹同心协力,广传 神福音,并
类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会亨通基督教会座落於约翰霍普金斯大学Homewood校区附近, 成员大都是附近的华人学者与学生. 我们的焦点是基督福音的传扬与门徒的造就. 虽然人数不多, 却是有活力并热爱真理的一群.
类别:华商列表 -- 华人教会一家不错的法式餐厅,这里的法式小甜品做得很好吃,其中duck confit 评价很高。该餐馆位于Mount Vernon一带。Around $10 to $25 per person