安特卫普新华购物城 Sun Wah Supermarket


地址:Van Wesenbekestraat 16-18, 2060 Antwerpen (查看地图)

电话:+32 3 233 19 88

营业:MON-SUN 9.30-18.00 Thursday closed.

网址: 去看看官方网站

大型中国超市,货很全,价格也公道,服务态度很好!营业时间:9点半至18点 星期四及假日休息, 星期日开门营业

Since 1976 Sun Wah Supermarket become a household name in Chinese/Belgian Flemisch society.

With our extended range of Asian products, you can make it to a succesfull Asian dinner. (For example: The right sauces and fresh exotic vegetables in a meat dish, served in an authentic porcelain plate. End with a relaxing tea ceremony with quality Japanese green tea or special ice-cream made from green tea.)

We also have a diversities in our range, so you can reach us with one address for all your Asian shopping.